Hello! Just a quick update to mention that I’m hosting a gifting workshop in NYC Monday and Tuesday night, that is, this week. You can come for one or both days. The idea is: come with nothing, leave with a cool gift, or just an idea for a cool gift. It’s free.
I’m hosting it with my friend, maker genius Tim Savas, and his friend Albert. He professionally designs toys for Kinder eggs, and he’s the kind of guy who dreams up and 3D prints custom travel holsters for his cologne just because he wants to. He says Albert is even craftier than he is, an exciting prospect. We will have 3D printer, a regular photo printer, shipping materials, etc. I will be helping you find the words and the ideas if they aren’t there.
Depending on how crowded it gets, it’s possible we won’t have time to make a gift for everyone, but we want 100% of attendees to leave with an idea for a great gift and a plan for how to execute it.
See you soon!