I really like that all you truly needed was actual intimacy with someone who liked you for you. The viagra helped here and there but in the end it was someone who wasn’t taking it personally.
With the woman who reacted very poorly it sounded like she was just as sexually insecure/anxious as you were, just in the opposite way. That never w…
I really like that all you truly needed was actual intimacy with someone who liked you for you. The viagra helped here and there but in the end it was someone who wasn’t taking it personally.
With the woman who reacted very poorly it sounded like she was just as sexually insecure/anxious as you were, just in the opposite way. That never works, even if it was not personal, it was being taken personally.
I had a partner with serious trauma from csa and we figured out all sorts of creative ways to stop the dissociating. But you have to be with someone who is willing to meet you where you are, like you said.
This was a great piece. Actually very funny in the beginning. lol. My teenaged friends in bands said they learned how to play to “get chicks,” so this is a time-honoured tradition among men.
It’s pretty brave of you to talk about boner drama at a time where everyone seems to be expected to be at peak sexy and peak performance at all times as if we are all cyborgs.
I also really appreciate how you pointed out that women are mean about this stuff way less than people think. Honestly, lots of women don’t even enjoy piv all that much next to other stuff, so while she might wonder if you’re into her because of boner drama, it’s not the main event to give women orgasms ANYWAY. Most need other stuff, statistically.
I know this is not the point, but I think sometimes men are really conditioned to feel like their penis is the physical manifestation of their godliness on earth to women because of porn and dicks being such a focus for men, but there are a lot of other ways to connect sexually that don’t need a furniture-level hardness. Not enough men know that because women are weird about telling them what they actually like because they are scared of male egos around penis stuff.
So yeah congrats on your dick and also on being appreciated for non-dick stuff. That’s a win
I really like that all you truly needed was actual intimacy with someone who liked you for you. The viagra helped here and there but in the end it was someone who wasn’t taking it personally.
With the woman who reacted very poorly it sounded like she was just as sexually insecure/anxious as you were, just in the opposite way. That never works, even if it was not personal, it was being taken personally.
I had a partner with serious trauma from csa and we figured out all sorts of creative ways to stop the dissociating. But you have to be with someone who is willing to meet you where you are, like you said.
This was a great piece. Actually very funny in the beginning. lol. My teenaged friends in bands said they learned how to play to “get chicks,” so this is a time-honoured tradition among men.
It’s pretty brave of you to talk about boner drama at a time where everyone seems to be expected to be at peak sexy and peak performance at all times as if we are all cyborgs.
I also really appreciate how you pointed out that women are mean about this stuff way less than people think. Honestly, lots of women don’t even enjoy piv all that much next to other stuff, so while she might wonder if you’re into her because of boner drama, it’s not the main event to give women orgasms ANYWAY. Most need other stuff, statistically.
I know this is not the point, but I think sometimes men are really conditioned to feel like their penis is the physical manifestation of their godliness on earth to women because of porn and dicks being such a focus for men, but there are a lot of other ways to connect sexually that don’t need a furniture-level hardness. Not enough men know that because women are weird about telling them what they actually like because they are scared of male egos around penis stuff.
So yeah congrats on your dick and also on being appreciated for non-dick stuff. That’s a win